
About Our Mission

Get On The Bus AZ is a non-profit organization that unites children and families separated by the criminal justice system. We have helped countless families see each other, embrace each other, and have a more positive perspective in their difficult times. We strongly believe and have witnessed the uniting of families to bring a healing and constructive power on these families which in turn is beneficial to our communities as a whole.

Children with one or both parents in prison are often cared for by relatives who may not have the means to make a visit possible. Get On The Bus AZ offers these families an invaluable opportunity to experience a mother’s touch or a father’s hug, to take a family photo, to have a private conversation, and to develop a deeper connection with hope and healing.

The History of Our Organization

Get On The Bus Arizona was founded in November 2016 by The Tony Gray Foundation and Tom Gray to innovate a broad, grass-roots response to those impacted by crime and the criminal justice system within the state of Arizona. We advocate, educate, and demonstrate the critical need to mend, re-weave, and re-connect the primary relationship between parent and child, families, and loved ones. Get On The Bus Arizona (GOTB AZ) provides two events a year to recognize incarcerated parents on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day through family reunification.

Our first event began through St. Patrick Catholic Community in Scottsdale, Arizona, and continues today with two organizations and two Department of Correction facilities: Perryville and Lewis. As our programs grow, so does our list of dedicated volunteers and the strength of our partnership with the Department of Corrections in Arizona. We don’t walk alone.


How You Can Help

Donations and sponsorships help us make a difference in the lives of hundreds of children, parents, and families of those incarcerated.
